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2024: "Hope Sign", in "Ik Geef Je Mijn Raam" ("I'll Give You My Window"), Vlissingen

2020: "I Nearly Flew!", dream inspired drawings, Huis der Zotheid, Rotterdam

2016: "Vreemd Volk" (Strange Folk), embroideries from the series The Anatomy Of Angels, Mon Capitaine,              Middelburg (see review in publicity)

2012: "Blocks of Colored Wax", site specific installation, Mon Capitaine, Middelburg

2009: "MMXVI/In Festis Sancta Maria Magdalenae", Interactive, site inspired sound installation, Grote of    

            Maria Magdalenakerk, Goes

2003: "Endimions", Murals & objects in Fort Rammekens, Ritthem 

2001: "Installation", Chapel of St.Maarten, Hoogelande (near Middelburg). (See newspaper clipping

            in Publicity)




2024:  - "Boulevard van Schoonheid en Troost" ("Boulevard of Beauty and Comfort"), Westkapelle

            - "Spielerei" - Kunsthuis Veere, Veere

            - Art Fair POP UP the MACHINE, Machinefabriek, Vlissingen

2023:  - EEJ! 24 HUBSA art houses in an art street in Goes-Oost, Goes

2022:  - Hoogtij Festival, Groede

            - Boulevard van de Verbeelding, Terneuzen

2021:  - "Boulevard van Schoonheid en Troost" (Boulevard of Beauty and Comfort), Goes, Middelburg,


2020: - "En Er Was Licht" - Galerie PLAY room, Zaandam

           - "Laat Waaien - Laat Zien" - flag-art project by #Loods32, Goes

2019: - "Art Kattendijke"- Kattendijke

           - "Een Bunder Kunst"- 's-Heer Arendskerke

2018: - "Geef het een plek"- Middelburg

2017: - "Pink! Kattendijke" - Kattendijke

           - "Kijk, daar beweegt iets! (achter de gerania)" - an art tour through Middelburg

2016: - "Een Bunder Letteren", Een Bunder Kunst, 's-Heer Arendskerke

2015: - "Duchamp & Co." - Mon Capitaine, Middelburg

           - "Lasloods Kunstfestival", Lasloods, Vlissingen

2014: - "De Kennismaking" - W45, Goes (see review in publicity)

2013: - "Lichtroute", part of the Wonderstroom Festival, Vlissingen. A site-adapted installation of my series

             "The Anatomy of Angels"

2012: - "Into A Whirlpool Vortex" - Museum Le Secet, Goes

2011: - "LICHT!" - Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem (see review in publicity)

2010: - "Liefde in de Kunst", van Museum Le Secet in exporuimte P.Art of your Life, Zwolle

2006: - "Artstore - the Rotterdam Art Embassy", Groothandelsgebouw, Rotterdam.

2005: - "De Nachten van het Licht" (The Nights of Light), Kanaal 10, Amsterdam.

2004: - "De KunstCamping", Heeswijk: wooden, house-shaped object titled "Evagations, [het wegdwalen]"                  (Wandering Off).

           - Kinderboekenweek, Bookshop De Drvkkerij in Middelburg. : "Dag Licht!", Villa Zebra, Rotterdam.

2003: - Café De Twijfelaar, Rotterdam: collages. 

           - "Week van de Zee", Hoek van Holland: photo collages.

2002: - "Gedroogde Haven" (Dried Harbour) in Schokland: soundscape "De Sirenen van Schokland" (The                    Sirens of Schokland).

           - "De Week van de Zee" (The Week of the Sea), Hoek van Holland: installation around soundscape

             "De Sirenen van Schokland" in the former public baths building.  

           - "September in Rotterdam/Rotterdams Fabrikaat", Rotterdam: brochure titled "Natuurgebied

             Gouverne" (The Gouverne Nature Reserve)



Work in progress / development


- since 2005: The Anatomy of Angels. A series of images embroidered in white yarn on a black background,

                        lit with UV-light. So far, seven of what will be ten or twelve images in total have been        






2019: - Performance as Fortune Singer Aiuóla, a blend of theatre, music and performance art, during          

             Duurzaamheidsfestival  ZLND2050, Middelburg 

2015: - Performances as Fortune Singer Aiuóla during the festivals ScheldeJazz Terneuzen, and        

             Stadsfeesten Middelburg

2014: - Performance as Fortune Singer Aiuóla festival Onderstroom, Vlissingen

1999: - "Hildegard in de Tunnel", a performance in a heavily used traffic tunnel in 's-Hertogenbosch,

             presenting three women singing music by medeaeval composer Hildegard von Bingen.



Other activities


2024: - Participation in the art route Kunst in Veere

2023: - Participation in Art Rotterdam '23 via De Aanschouw; please visit this link on Instagram for pictures.

           - Illustraties bij gedichten van Aschwin van den Abeele, voor Zeeuws literair tijdschrift De Baaierd

2022: - Teaching a workshop painting on crockery to (mostly) children, a collaboration with Iris van 't


2021: - Artist's residency and exhibition at AITW-HUBSA-AIR#2, at the invitation of André Smits        

             ( and Monika Dahlberg, Goes

2020: - Member of the jury for Kunstbende Zeeland (kunstbende is a Dutch cultural competition for

             children between ages 13-18)

2019: - Participation in "De Veste Verlicht Goud", Goes

2015: - Participation in performance/singing-workshop led by artist Cally Spooner 

2011: - Participation in Toine Horvers' performance "Zeetijding" in Maassluis

2010: - Added work to the Brooklyn Art Library INC, New York City, USA

2002: - Documentational photography for Galerie Bruce, Rotterdam.

2000: - Rotterdam Central Station: artistic promotional window display for Theater Bonheur, Rotterdam.

           - Various artistic contributions to the theater shows Serendipity 6, Serendipity 9 en Serendipity 10,

             staged by Theater Bonheur, Rotterdam





1998-2000 : Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten St.Joost te Breda, continued "Sculpture"

1996-1998 : Akademie voor Kunst en Vormgeving 's-Hertogenbosch, specialisation: "Sculpture"

1991-1995 : Universiteit Utrecht: General Linguistics, English language/literature



*Please note: everything listed here took place in The Netherlands, unless specifically mentioned.


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