Magdeleen van Eersel
Visual Artist
Alleen in mijn gedachten kan ik dromen
A sleeping woman is painted on the cover of this wooden box; her feet stick out from under the blanket, her one hand half covers the title of the poetry collection Slauerhoff's original line can be found in, titled "Serenade".
Inside the box lies a small bundle of poetry, made of bedlinnen (the pages) and a woollen blanket (the cover). On the sheets of bedlinen I wrote poems in Dutch and English, which were inspired by my own dreams.
The title for this work was inspired by the first line of a poem by the famous Dutch poet, J.J. Slauerhoff.
By replacing just four letters, the line's meaning changed entirely, while still echoing the literary rhythm and sound of the original poem.
I created this object in response to a call for artists, who all received a same sized wooden box, to work on for a literary themed group show, in Een Bunder Kunst, in 's Heer Arendskerke, The Netherlands.
Video: Alleen In Mijn Gedachten Kan Ik Dromen, outside and inside
Dimensions (outside): 33 x 24 x 4.5 cm
Materials: MDF, acrylic paint, varnish, blanket, cotton, writing ink

One of the poems:
The Poetess
The Poetess speaks her words of wonder
Standing on top of a mighty hill
Her black flowing dress is long and wide
Her hair moves freely in the wind
Against the light of the setting sun
It seems like her dress and the hill are one.
The gestures she makes with her tiny arms
Remind me of the waving legs of an insect.
But her words - and her feet!
Are larger than life.
The lid shows a sleeping woman; one hand half covers the title of a collection of poems
A wooden box, containing a necklace, a song and gold. It comes with instructions (in Dutch - English if desired) on how to work this medicine.
I recorded the song, a free improvisation, in my studio.
Size: 5 x 15 x 8 cm (h x l x w)
Materials: wooden box, paint, velvet, organza, usb-stick, gold thread, latex, gold leaf (23.75 karat), paper.

Evagations - Het Wegdwalen
The Roman philosopher Seneca once explained to a friend why we carry our worries from home with us, even if we travel to the farthest of places. Conversely, our body may be stuck in one place, while our mind is free to roam wherever it pleases.
This thought gave birth to this house-shaped object, which looks inaccessible from the outside, but if you peek through the cracks, you'll see that the people inside can move around even more freely than outside.
Materials: waste wood, screws, acrylic paint, tube light
Size: 1.30 x 2 x 2 m.

Photo: Frans van Lokven
Photo: Frans van Lokven